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A New Attitude


​​My favourite episode of the season, by far, this episode hit all the right notes every single time.

I've said pretty much all I had to say about this in my review here, but I have to repeat just how much I loved it (it is Fangirl Friday after all), masks and all.

Top Four Squee-Worthy Things
​From the Week of ​May 24th​ ​



​I found this episode really fun and enjoyable and it gave me back my faith in Maeby Fünke's character.

Though there were a few bumps in the road (like sleeping with a guy that you thought was an undercover cop but is actually just underage), Maeby always remains resilient and that's why she's so fascinating to watch.



I would be remiss if I didn't choose the finale of the season, mostly because that's what the entire season was leading up to, when we get all (well, actually most) of our reveals and the season comes together as a whole.

The actual reason I'm choosing it is because of the shift we see in the relationship between George-Michael and Michael and how sad yet necessary it was for them both to see the other's true colours.

Top Four Squee-Worthy Things

​From the Week of ​May 31st​ â€‹



This was the first episode of the season that I absolutely adored from start to finish. 

I was honestly getting a bit worried about the season but luckily GOB was able to cure all my doubts (at least about the season being salvageable) by bringing a hilarious yet heart-felt episode about his many attempts at proving himself.

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