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Vintage Beauty Parlor


If I can't look the way I want, I can at least fake it a little. This book is a total gem, giving easy, awesome make-up and hair tutorials inspired by looks of the past.

Top Four Squee-Worthy Things
​From the Week of ​May 24th​ ​

Comic-Con Schedule


After months of anticipation, the Comic-Con schedule is officially up and holy crap can I not wait for the 17th of July when the adventure begins. 


Some things I hope to hit up are: Geek and Sundry panel, Game of Thrones panel and Veronica Mars panel.



I have to give a shout out to the company that has decided to hire me as an Apple products rep in a book store. It's pretty much my dream come true. And it's a Canadian company. What could be better?

Top Four Squee-Worthy Things

​From the Week of ​July 7th​ â€‹





No one could ever accuse Neil Gaiman of being uninventive. In a novel like no other, that intersperses real life with fantastical elements to the point where you are left wondering whether it could all be true, we're taken on a journey to London Below, a place teeming with life, danger and unbridled excitement.

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