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Top Four Squee-Worthy Things
​From the Week of ​May 24th​ ​

The Podcasts of Kevin Smith

I've been a fan of Kevin Smith's since I was 16 and got my very first taste of the View Askewniverse with Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. I was instantly hooked and quickly devoured the rest of his filmography, laughing all the way.

Now, however, I've fallen completely into Smith's Smodcast world. I can't stop listening to "Hollywood Babble-On," " "Jay and Silent Bob Get Old," and of course the original "Smodcast." People are starting to look at me funny when I laugh out loud on public transit, AND I DON'T EVEN CARE! They're that good.

Look, if you like dick jokes and talking geek, check these out here. Simple as that.

The Mindy Project

I know that I'm so behind on this boat, and I also must admit that I tried this show before and failed, but once I found out that Anders Holm would be a regular, I had to see what the fuss was about. It was worth it.

Mindy Kaling is at the helm of by far one of the funniest and cleverest new shows of the season. The writing is top-notch, the characters even better and the acting is superb. Everyone should take this hiatus as an opportunity to get caught up on a show that has lines like, "he's all elbows and penis." How could you go wrong?

Top Four Squee-Worthy Things

​From the Week of ​May 24th​ â€‹



Finally, a pick that is actually relevant to this week. I cannot express how excited I am for this season of MasterChef, and not only because of my insane attraction to Gordon Ramsay.

Honestly, I think my favourite part of the show is it showcases creativity in such a different way. The culinary arts is just that, an artform, and MasterChef turns up the heat on it's contestants to create beautiful art in the form of delicious dishes. Though this show does not at all entice me to start experimenting with recipes, it does sometimes make me wish I could jump through my TV and chow down with the judges.



​I could easily talk about Wil Wheaton in every edition of Fangirl Friday but I'll try and restrain myself. Try.

Anyway, Wil is the host of a Geek and Sundry show called TableTop where he gathers his geeky friends for a hilarious round of table top games. The best part about these (other than the fact that Felicia Day is often a guest star) is that you learn how to play a bunch of new games that you can go try out yourself (I'll be heading down to my local Snakes and Lattes myself).

It's always a whole lot of fun and you can check it out here!

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